saturn in aquarius tarot

Separating us from the heavens are seven concentric spheres, one ruled by each of the seven traditional planets. Modern astrology is Roman in origin. Virgo rules your lifestyle, daily eating and drinking habits, daily exercise, sleep hygiene, levels of mental health and so on. The main issue with the rules is that you have to be able to live with them. Saturn, Aquarius' ideas can leave the sphere of the purely conceptual to become a reality. We got married in September and the pregnancy happened quicker than expected. Are there dates we shouldnt be signing contracts? From that point the pressure is off. Saturn is about restrictions and limitations. Not too much longer to wait. Saturn in Libra is the marriage with walls. This is the Libra part of your chart. It denies you access, or it locks you into situations. I have Saturn at 24 Leo, joined to Mars at 24 Cancer and Psyche in 23 Scorpio. That made me look at my natal chart and I have Saturn at 11 Leo, sextile both Jupiter at 10 Gemini and Pluto at 11 Libra. A rock band and a basketball team.Queen and the Los Angeles Lakers. Part of that may be Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn will be in Pisces, March 8th 2023 to February 14th 2026 and again, we will see God given boundaries. Often the gifts are the result of their sole-focus obsession. Saturn is at 24 again now presently. Your work always fascinates and enlightens. Some pruning and trimming may be required along with a close examination of who and what is actually there these days. Many thanks, Jessica your kind help is much appreciated as always. Saturn will be in opposition, so you need to be far more proactive than usual. Tap into that part of you which came here not just to learn your own lessons and have your own experience, but to liberate all beings from suffering. Happy New Year. I have Aries and Virgo stelliums but no factors in Aquarius or Pisces. Infants. This goes back a long way to siblings or cousins you grew up with, as you taught each other vocabulary, diction and so on, just by babysitting each other when your parents were busy, or playing together. So act like this ~dynamic duo~: Create a plan for how to put your big ideas into action and then follow it. The difference between 2021, 2022 and 2023 will be jaw-dropping to you by April. See how Saturn in the Fourth House in Cancer, in a conjunction with Venus, has shown up. I read something about barricades and I thought the shackles would be coming off especially around the idea of home and where this is. WendyT. Thank you. Thank you. There may be more you can do, though, and really use that Saturn opposition, as well as the incoming nodal transit in Virgo-Pisces, to really address the mind, body and spirit balance. We may all need to release a great deal in order to achieve this, but we will be rewarded with a clearer vision of The Good and a humanity that works together as a collective, instead of the estranged individuals that we have become. I am sorry you are going through the situation with your mother which must be so difficult. Hypnosis. I feel that card was made for him. The festival dedicated to Saturn. Saturn returns can oftentimes lead to endings, embracing more responsibility, and setting new boundaries. Yet, having put up with him for a long time somewhere else, you may feel as the Romans did, on Saturnalia. Comments have just gone up to 16,571 but there is always time to talk, when I have such brilliant readers. This combination is common in the charts of men who self-medicate. Thank you. Home being very important for my grounding and my family, this already gives me so much stress to find a new home! You have been through the most restricted, limited cycle in 29 years with friends, your social life, groups, social media and people power in 2021, 2022. A few rules are not a bad thing when you have transiting Neptune in Pisces in your Twelfth House without anything to rein it in. He is issuing new rules and people are leaving. And I still wanted to ask how Saturn affects the Pisces, since I also plan to write and publish something for the soul. Best wishes for 2023!! Its the equivalent of Saturnalia. WebLoki is Saturn ~ the veil between our worlds; Hella ~ Dont Ignore her; Pisces Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Aquarius Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Capricorn Sun, Moon, Ascendant; He comes with ring-fenced situations where it is impossible to get access, but also impossible to get out. That is not your issue. The Tarot is free to use on this website and can tell you more about some useful choices for 2023. You will also be delighted with your new title, appearance and reputation by May 2023 if you take the opportunities being offered to you, for a relaunch. and into a time of some boundaries and structure with Saturn moving into my sign. Thank you, I will look at those further! I always feel bad commenting as you have so much traffic on your page already, but i have stelliums in both Aquarius and Pisces, I have a Saturn ruled chart so restriction and learning from it is nothing new to me, my partner and I both Pisces Suns would love to buy a house this year, I am hoping within the coming months, do you see this being possible? i know Aquarius is about supporting the group. Hi Jessica, Im particularly interested in this Saturn movement as I have some significant placements in Pisces. So, on the eve of my second saturn return, I will hang on to the wisdom that saturn takes away what we need to have taken away and it is for the best in the long run. In this step, Saturn in the Zodiac Signs, of the learn astrology guide to your natal chart, you will discover what Saturn in Aquarius in your horoscope means. Saturn was in Pisces 29 years ago, so weve been here before. It will improve while Jupiter is in Aries until May 2023. Fascinating post as usually. Clear the decks around that time. Saturn will form a T-Square in transit to your Mercury-Saturn square so minimise the media, internet, publishing or educational projects and plans there so the stakes are lower. Saturn transits tend to block us and stop us, so that we have to come up with a different strategy. On your last Saturn in Aquarius transit you were isolated from friends. The endless questions about who is top dog are almost over March finishes a cycle. In this fixed, air sign, Saturn seeks to innovate outdated structures, rules, and boundaries. According to Varro, Romes greatest scholar, Saturns name comes from status which means sowing.. You are here to lead by example in sexual partnerships or professional partnerships. Thanks to your Saturn Return, youre being ~reborn~ and moving on from whatever held you back for sooo long. This crossover period of Saturn in Aquarius-Pisces has an obvious pattern. I suspect this is government intervention on, say, the anonymity of the internet. Schools were closed, and exercise regimens were suspended. I am a Sun Cancer can you tell be in what house is Saturn in until March and what house does it move into when Saturn moves into Pisces? I even started a work from home on the Internet about 2 years ago (officially established on 5/14/2021) when you posted in Taurus Weather 2021-2026 that it is possible only in a small window to do it made sense to me. Why there was always difficulty in my relationship, if I wanted to continue the work. Your Page of Pentacles/Coins card is about money to be negotiated, saved or earned and March is also a milestone for that, in your life. The opportunities do not stop until May. The Virgo/Sixth House side of the pattern is about your workload and wellbeing. Town. My thanks to you for dealing with 16502 comments. I have 8 stelliums in Pisces, so how will this affect me? This card represents Taurus eternal learning. In March you will lose the barriers to friendship (the real thing) as all sorts of things change and you wake up to realise that you are around people who are quite powerful. Saturn at 11 Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, babies, children, teenagers and adult children is hard work. Christians questioned God and the road to the Reformation began. Congratulations! Prejudices were different back then. Hi Jessica, Also, you mentioned in the North Node Pisces Cycles that I will meet a professional situation that happened 18-19 years ago. Reinvigorate your schedule with new activities, Aquarius (Picture: Getty/ Today, Saturn influences the cosmic energies of the day, emphasising the importance of structure and organisation. Saturns curbs and thresholds may be in the cathedrals or in other ways; yet according to the rules of astrology, they return. Do you feel the movement of Neptune might be a good, bad, or neutral event for him in 2026? On the other write down what you want and need (and when). Back then, 29 years ago, there was a saying Dont die of ignorance about AIDS. You also have a Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries as well as transiting Saturn about to enter your solar Ninth House. What seems to be going on is not thought out, the process looks very irrational and rushed. You are a Sun Aquarius, with stelliums in Capricorn, Aries, Taurus. Before looking at your natal chart, though, lets talk about your Sun Virgo prediction. Thank you. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Will our land sale finally get going soon? March sees Saturn join Neptune in Pisces in everybodys Twelfth House and this has so much to do with the familys religious beliefs, on both sides, going back generations. I have a question regarding my 2 factors in early Virgo, Ops and Fortuna and wondering how this will affect me. Thank you very much for your help, should you wish to give it. Because Saturn stays in a sign for so long, the Saturn return lessons typically begin around 28 and end around 30. I read your website and twitter daily and am so so grateful that I found your site. Long-term, image matters, as Neptune in Aries from 2026 will show you a new way of presenting yourself online, using a second self in a virtual space. The date 17th December was also the first day of Capricorn, back then the signed ruled by Saturn,named for the god (Fowler. Thank you. We are going to see global limitations and restrictions on health care and medical supplies in 2023, starting in March, and evident in 2024, 2025 and early 2026. Leo is the sign we associate with kings. The parents on either side are usually brought in at some point. You were born into a situation where you were shut in, or shut out. So March, July, bring a completely different era for you when you are no longer shut into a situation, or shut out of it. Hopefully soon things can pick up and change for better, fingers crossed. Saturn 1-7 Pisces I will also look at how he is going to function in his new sign of Pisces. The moment Saturn moves into the zodiac sign your natal Saturn is placed in marks the beginning of your Saturn return, and once Saturn leaves the sign, your Saturn return has officially ended. I am sorry your daughter married the wrong man. The family has been unstructured, with no boundaries, confused and confusing, but also an escape for him, for many years. The latter are associated with prior incarnation, karma and the reason for the souls return in this lifetime. Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below; Responsibility, Discipline, Accountability, Contraction, Seriousness, Time, Measure for Measure, Limitation, Wisdom, Father, Ground Breaker, Genius, Scientist, Alternative, Unusual, Intellectual, Curious, Bringer of New Ideas, Freedom Lover. Please I really hope that you will be able to provide clarity as things just seem to be consistently challenging. Until then you need a break, so I recommend you try healers and hypnotists readers like: Matthew Manning (the worlds greatest verified healer), Dr. Paul McKenna (bestselling hypnotist book author), Glenn Harrold (the same). You had your Saturn Return in Aquarius so thank goodness for that. Any time you have slow-moving outer planet or node transits at 11 degrees, an episode emerges between you, which requires that you lean on everything you learned the last time. Many calculations have been made (financial, logistical) to make this jump and the retraining takes a lot of time, but I like the work. Read it aloud and ask your guides and family and friends in spirit to help you. Who is in charge? Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication thought and speech, information processing and writing. Sagittarius, Taurus season has you finishing up Can you please advise if I can see this class if taped Juno Your family tree will enjoy better growth and longevity because of that. A powerful new friend will arrive in March, or will re-emerge in your life. I think I know what is going on or what theme this is taking. When you dont shine, you try harder. Saturn is just like the planet. You also need to examine your subconscious mind. You cant get him out of your chart at least not in the universe we are both inhabiting as I answer your question! She used active imagination, which Pamela Colman Smiths Tarot lends itself to, to bring props, actors and a new script. High-functioning autistic men are often in their own little world, but when we manage to reach them, they have gifts to possibly share. There will be more unexpected twists and turns along the way, over the long-term, so this is the child you are flexible about and with; around whom you zig-zag when plans need to change. WebWith Saturn in Taurus, your lesson will be rooted in how you couple material security with emotional security. I think i also have my Saturn return this year. Restraints Hygeia deals with health and hygiene so this seems likely related to covid like you said. On the last cycle of Saturn in Pisces, which opposed your Virgo stellium, you nursed your partner through AIDS in 1992. I am kind of astounded and rendered speechless. On a more personal level youll have a story. 11 Aquarius 34 WebThe Saturn in Aquarius man are born leaders and have fresh ideas always dwelling in mind. Saturn in astrology is often seen as a teacher. Wish you give me some specific tips according to my chart. In 2023-2024, for example, you may decide to reshape a marriage so you live apart. A soul will descend from the heavenly realms of the stars through the seven realms of the planets, eventually receiving a physical body from the moon and being born into the earth. The caveat is, it has to be something he wants to do. Happy New Year. For the first time in 19 years, the South Node will form a conjunction with your Saturn, and the process begins in July, when the South Node changes signs. Saturn has been opposite Leo and the world has seen Charles III opposed by his own son Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan. i couldnt even sit crossed legs lotus then. Over the next few years you will have the chance to really look at yourself, and the nature of your purpose in life will become much clearer to you, as Saturn will bring you messages from the other side from whence you came. Remember Saturn in astrology is about restriction, limitation and being encircled, reaping what you sow, you would take extra time and extra care then. i was lost, my marriage folded, two children and no ed,. You are in Australia but the airlines and airports, cruise ship companies and ports have rolled out a red carpet and we have to deal with it. Saturn brings barricades and barriers; you were born with those surrounding the family home. I happen to have Aquarius at 21 degrees of Saturn in my chart, as well as my Ascendant at 13 Aquarius. Saturn is about limitations and restrictions. Duets. Thank you. When Saturn is in Aquarius Aquarian energy is humanitarian. It is full of boundless ideas about what will improve the lives of others, and how shared efforts can make the world a better place. As the 11th sign of the zodiac, Aquarius rules over the 11th House of Groups and Visions. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). The law is also associated with the Eighth House for obvious reasons. So theres a hefty pattern there, around Saturn, which I will leave you to take apart and examine. Thats really all it is. In this lifetime you are here to sort out a new deal with yourself and your beliefs, or the beliefs of others. Any insight is appreciated. It can also be the same as trying to get inside a situation and being blocked. My husband is a Sun Leo. She can use the Garden Oracle, Astrology Oracle and Tarot on this website for more insights. Capricorn: Position. You are lucky to have a good partner to support you. Your health on all levels comes first. Pregnancy. Business. Family members may have been a worry for you and so on. Write down what you can give or offer on one side. Since Midheaven also has to do with a fathers legacy, I feel a significant sense of conclusion for the inner work Ive done on that. Saturn in astrology educates through time. When Saturn moves out of it, am I to expect positive or negative changes? The interesting thing is that I am now so grateful it happened I was trying to build a life with who I now realise is a narcissistic psychopath but back then I was very deluded and in love with dreams not reality. With that in mind, based on your paragraph re conjunctions- my natal Mercury in aquarius conjuncts transiting Saturn and Venus on the 22nd of January. Those restraints and thresholds will be replaced by a completely different situation, on March 24th 2023, when Pluto enters Aquarius. Hi Jessica, Im a cancer sun sign and Saturn In Aquarius has been quite rough to say the least, could you please give me some insight on how Saturn changing signs will affect me?

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